Site stats
There was a request for some more statistics.
This is a graph (Google generated) of the visits since Samuel was born. We seem to have settled down to an average of 20-30 visits a day. Note that the blue dots are individual visits, the orange dots are the number of pages viewed (e.g. if you look at old posts). Average pageviews fluctuate between 25 and 80 or so. They go up a bit more on Mondays (I'm guessing because people browse around more looking for updates they missed).
The map shows where you all are clicking from. Since my previous post, the new leader is St. Louis (20%), followed by Houston (19%) and Wichita (12%). Previously, Houston held a whopping 66% of all visits. How did the numbers change so? I have no idea (Jason).
This is a graph (Google generated) of the visits since Samuel was born. We seem to have settled down to an average of 20-30 visits a day. Note that the blue dots are individual visits, the orange dots are the number of pages viewed (e.g. if you look at old posts). Average pageviews fluctuate between 25 and 80 or so. They go up a bit more on Mondays (I'm guessing because people browse around more looking for updates they missed).
The map shows where you all are clicking from. Since my previous post, the new leader is St. Louis (20%), followed by Houston (19%) and Wichita (12%). Previously, Houston held a whopping 66% of all visits. How did the numbers change so? I have no idea (Jason).
no comment (he says making a comment)
Actually, it's my wife who is skewing the numbers. She checks it daily.
I wouldn't say daily, but I do check in often. I enjoy seeing Samuel grow and reading the hilarious captions.
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