Sunday, July 22, 2007

Good Evening.

Welcome. Can I help you?

Blueberry picking

We went blueberry picking yesterday. Samuel enjoyed it thoroughly, though he didn't help very much. We got 8.75 pounds for $12.25. Kroger has blueberries for about a buck a piece (and thats the in-season price).

Tickle Me Samuel

Doesn't say as much but he's way cuter.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Samuel had yams (or I guess it's a sweet potato, not sure what the difference is really) yesterday and loves them. He has also ventured into the shoppin g cart seat. No pictures of that yet since I wanted to get in and out before we had the "you-call-this-entertaining?-I-think-not" melt down. He did well and only got antsy at the checkout.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bathtime video - for real this time

Uploaded the wrong video before. Here it is.

Anyway, Blogger just made available enclosures, which allows this video (and all further videos) to come to you automatically through an application like iTunes, so that it can then make its way to your iPod. Or iPhone. You jerk, I have a nokia phone.

I haven't submitted the site to iTunes, so you can't search for it there, you have to go to the Advanced menu, then "Subscribe to Podcast", where you will then enter the feed address (as seen near the top of the right hand column): "". Obviously, no quotes.

Bathtime video

This was Samuel's bathtime tonight.

Monday, July 02, 2007


Samuel has figured out his jumparoo.

The 4th of July

These colors don't run.

The taste of liberty.

You want some of this, terrorists?

Just how many more pictures did you want to take here?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pharaoh on his throne

Slave! How am I supposed to reach the Royal Rice Cereal when its way over there?

Another chair to compare shot.

Samuel turns 5 months old today.
He marked the day by sitting here.

He's been here before.


This week Samuel has started to sit by himself. Not completely by himself mind you - he still pitches himself backwards beyond what his balance can correct - but he's doing say, 80% of it by himself.Samuel posing by one of his favorite toys.

Samuel reaching for Mama.

Playing in his room.