Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tummy time

I have to be on my tummy how long?

Back time = better than tummy time

Ahhh. I much prefer it on my back. With a whole mess of toys at my disposal. And your complete attention.


I'm coming. For you.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Not Samuel

Just so people remember that this blog (in theory) is "Machado Family Pics Etc" and not Samuel pics only, I've decided to post some pics of the yard.

Revel in joy.

First, the front of the house. I removed the carpeting from the porch (yes, carpeting - don't ask), as well as the thin metal guardrail around the porch. I think it looks better already. No word yet on any sort of replacement options.

In front of the porch, I finally was able this weekend to get enough plants (both from Roark's and my moms yard) to fill in the whole bed. Our favorite part is the dappled willow in on the left hand side. Seven bucks! Insane.

In the back yard, the garden contains within its chicken wire fencing a cucumber, Roma tomato, green pepper, zucchini, peas, green beans, wild strawberries, and some lettuce. In a 3'x15' area. Hey its my first vegetable garden in 10 years, so I'll figure out next year how much is really supposed to fit in that area.

A longer view of the vegetable garden shows our Eastern Red Bud tree, given to us by our friends in St. Louis when we moved last year. It's doing quite well. In the background is our neighbor's house. Their cat poops in my flower beds.

Ok back to all Samuel, all the time.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Adventures of Samuel

Grandma Irene got a new puter this week that comes with a great program called Comic Life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My feet

I've been grabbing my feet as of late. Interesting things, feet.

Whiney Samuel

Samuel has been pretty fussy today. Luckily last weekend's visitors brought a new toy.

When that toy failed (along with most every other toy we own), extreme measures were taken to ensure entertainment.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Opus 1

Con drooloso. For the piano. With Mommy accompaniment.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Long distance visitors

Samuel had a bunch of visitors today. One was Grandpa Claudio, and another was his Great Grandma (she's Vovó - Grandma - to me. To Samuel thats Bisavó). Vovô (notice the different accent - now it means Grandpa) lives in Georgia and Bisavó is here from Natal, Brasil visiting for a couple months. It was great that we could see them both.

Look out ladies.

Everywhere you look. Theres a heart, a hand to hold onto. Everywhere you look ladies.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to mine and Samuel's favorite new mother!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Up and About

Samuel has taken an interest in the world about 2 feet off the ground. Possible video later.

Hail Samuel.

I will wear pants on my head. You will obey me. I am your ruler now.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Samuel decided to laugh out loud the other day, enough that I could get it with the camera.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Samuel has come a long way in his baths as well.  He's graduated to the big tub, likes to go swimming on his back at times (with Daddy's help).  He especially enjoys his massage after bathtime, when he gets his lotion put on. 

A far cry from earlier.

On the brink of the 4th month...

8 day Samuel3 month Samuel

As he is today 3 months old, he wanted everyone to see how much he has grown.