Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Video brightness

So I've been posting videos for sometime, and using mainly our digital camera (not a video camera per say) because of how easy it is to go straight from camera to blog. The video is not perfect quality, but it mostly works. When I show other residents our blog and play a video for them, I generally do it from a computer at the hospital, and oftentimes the same computer, which I've known has a pretty poor quality monitor, resulting in most images looking very dark. Recently however I watched a movie I posted on someone's laptop and it also appeared dark?

I expect the videos not to be the best of brightness - they're usually indoors and in the evening when there is no more natural light to light the shot. But the videos look fine on my computer before they are uploaded.

So my question is: are the videos really dark? Please comment.


Mrs. DuPuis said...

Hi Marcos, Hannah, and Samuel! The videos are a bit dark on our laptop, but still viewable.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, viewable but yes dark.

Aunt B

Mary Jane and Jason said...


Anonymous said...


Mary Jane and Jason said...

not enough people are voting. It's time to let your voice be heard.

Mary Jane and Jason said...

about the side bar I mean...the darkness too...vote

The Visser Family said...

One would think that such a long question would be deserving of more than a monosyllabic dark.

Anonymous said...


Dannett said...

Yes, Dark. But this is expected from a camera-camera as opposed to a video camera. Ours does the same so I wasn't offended by the darkness.

Anonymous said...

horribly, frustratingly, dark. Just like your sense of humor.

- Jesus

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