Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Good evening folks

Just want you all to know that I'll be up all night, so feel free to call or stop by. When it gets dark out the big one (I should clarify: the big one who doesn't feed me) doesn't say much, and it gets kinda boring. Peace.

Sunday afternoon

...zonked out on the couch.

Learning piano

Samuel hates his scales, just like his daddy did.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


For those of you confused by the last post, please visit Amazon.com's site for Justin Timberlakes hot new song " Sexyback". Lyrics below:

"...I'm bringin' sexy back...."

I don't think I should print the rest of the lyrics.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Samuel's new album

Thats right.  He's bringing fussy back.

A visit from the Popovits'

All the way from Texas, Samuel got to visit with the Popovits' this past week.  He was simply ecstatic about the whole event (see above).  Later, he told me that he wanted to visit his most devoted internet fan down in Houston sometime.  I said, "only if you start sleeping through the night."  "Well that's out of the question," he replied.  Kids.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Godfather Broge

Minutes within swearing to assist us in the spiritual education of our child, all of the Broge's enemies were mysteriously eliminated.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Baptism recognition

Well, we had the formal recognition of Samuel's baptism at church today.  Jason and Mary Jane will be Godparents or sponsor.  More like Godparents though because they're not really sponsoring Samuel as we would like ( i.e. financially).

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Broges are here

We are enjoying the company of Samuel's Godparents for the weekend.  A picture of Jason coming when he is out of his pajamas.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quick picture.

Kinda busy today, but here's a quick pic for the day.  He had a good night last night, waking at 3 and at 6 only.  Way to go Samuel!

For those looking out for child 'buse: No, he doesn't sleep here.  Yes the sheets he's on are clean.  No he did not stay here longer than for just the picture.  Yes, he got in here all by himself.  No, I don't know how, but we're watching him more closely now.

"Hold on, I need to take this"

At least Samuel knows how to turn his phone to vibrate. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our view

Peering through the doorway.

Samuel Fashion Show III

Thanks to Great-Grandma Bira for the new sweater!


Mr. Fussy, world.  World, Mr. Fussy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Going for another outing.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Where's Samuel?

We've actually lost him twice this way.

Samuel Fashion Show II

Pooh goes to church.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

(Hannah was napping)

Samuel has a long road ahead if he wishes to complete his training.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Samuel Fashion Show I

Handsome.  Look out ladies.

Grandma Irene

...visited today. Samuel liked his bed for the day so much that he didn't pee on her.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Schwieger visit

Samuel had visitors today, bringing gifts and Arby's.  Samuel responded to his well-wishers by peeing on Melody.

In a hat


Samuel gets around, Part II

Relaxing in a rocker.

In a bed.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

See the resemblance?

For those of you who couldn't see Samuel in the ultrasound picture, perhaps this will help clear things up? To help things, I put him in the same duck outfit he was wearing in utero.

Avid reader

Recently Samuel has been so engrossed in this book, I hardly see him without it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


"...and please God bless Mommy and Daddy, and please bring them here to get rid of whatever is so cold in my shorts..."

Morning nap

...but for who?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The lord of the ducks

One duck to rule them all.

Growing up

They grow up fast.

Yes, those are icicles

I know updates have been poor (nonexistent) today, and for that I apologize.  I've got a couple pics to post though.  This pic however is just a reality check of why I didn't post much today - I've been scraping ice off our (interior) windows and putting up plastic (which apparently insulates better than our crappy windows).

Can we really bring up a child in such squalor?

Ok, just kidding.  We really are very blessed by this house.  It just has old windows.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I turned away for just a minute and he was already messing with my stuff.

Its hard out here for a 5-8 pounder.


Samuel gets around, Part I

In the crib.

In the boppy.

In the pack n play.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Kisses for Samuel

Mommy with Samuel.

What happens when Hannah's in the shower

Music and Words: Djavan
Camera work: Marcos
Choreography by: Sammy E

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Another Ryan & Karina exclusive picture, Samuel was baptised when he was about 15 hours old.



I know there's a real good chance I'm the only one who cares, but I'll proceed with this post anyway.
I'll post another picture to make up for it.

So, here is a graph (thanks to Google) of the visits to the blog. Of interest is the small spike on February 1st.

Here is another interesting graphic from Google Analytics - this represents where the visits to this blog are coming from. Nothing outside of the U.S. yet. Don't know who that is up in Alaska (Who are you?).

Ok, here's the interesting part. See that huge dot right over Houston, TX? That one dot alone makes up 66% of all the traffic to this site (cumulative). It could be that for some reason over half of the traffic in the US is being routed through Houston on its way to this blog. Or it could be some good friends of ours have busy fingers. Hmmm.

Anyway, thanks for coming, and for the comments and emails. It's been good to hear from you - some that we see everyday, some that we haven't seen in years. The Lord blesses not only us with your presence, but Samuel as well.

Samuel and Daddy

Working tirelessly to bring you the pictures you want. Samuel helps with clever caption ideas.

Impromptu bath

Samuel got a little bath earlier this morning. He didn't think it was that great.

Sleeping at home

Samuel likes his new crib.

Ryan, Marcos & Samuel

Thank you to Ryan & Karina for adding this and 16 other pictures to our collection (on our computer). In the interests of avoiding diarrhea of the blog, I'll forego posting them all (although something tells me no one would mind).

Friday, February 02, 2007

5-8 lbs my tiny butt.

Beware the outfit's stated weight.

At 30 hours

Yawn...We were very tired last night as we really didn't sleep much at all Wednesday night. Hannah hadn't really slept at all for about 36 hrs and I only had about 3-4hrs of naps during that time. So we sent Samuel to network with his peers in the nursery last night. We felt it was a good business experience for him, and while not really based in reality in terms of our life in the next 2 months (2 years?), it gave us a chance to catch up on some sleep before we go home today. And we did just that, feeling much better this morning.

The Family Machado

It took us a while last night to realize that we didn't yet have a picture of the 3 of us.

The Grandmas

The Grandmas. Samuel like.

Aunt Karina & Uncle Ryan

Grandma Irene, Ryan, and Karina stopped by yesterday and visited for a while. Look at the technique Ryan uses to hold the baby - fantastic.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Grandson Samuel