Saturday, June 23, 2007

Google video issues

I'm seeing that the videos I've just uploaded to the blog are not playing correctly. I'm not sure why, but in the mean time, you can still see the video by clicking the bottom righthand button to go directly to the video's webpage.

UPDATE: It appears this issue has resolved itself.

Hannah and Samuel

First Bites

Samuel took some first bites of rice cereal this evening. After being strapped down, he took a few spoonfuls. While most ended up in his neck creases, some managed to make it to his tummy.

Grandma visit

Grandma Irene made an appearance this past week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


If anyone knows how to get this kid to realize that naps can happen without laying on someone, we would appreciate the secrets.


I'm getting behind in posting and neglectful with picture taking. This is from a visit from the Great-Grandparents almost 2 weeks ago now.

Pharaoh says:

My stylish shorter turban is perfect for ordering my slaves around in the hot summer months.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Evening snooze


Anatomy of bathtime

And now, a short tour of bathtime.

Bathtime begins with a fussy Samuel who soon realizes that its bathtime and gets into a happier mood.
Once in the bath, Samuel enjoys his time for personal reflection.

At bath's end, Samuel likes to be wrapped in one of several towels with pockets custom-made for his head.

After the bath, its back to his room for lotioning down and changing into pajamas.

Further photos would not be flattering, as Samuel usually lapses into hysterics at the suggestion of bedtime.

New Toys

Samuel was given 3 new toys this week, a jumparoo (top), an exersaucer (bottom), and a mat/tent thingie for going outside in the sun (not pictured). Big thanks to the Ferguson's for thinking of us now that they no longer need these toys!

Sunday, June 03, 2007


I haven't quite mastered this canned nourishment, but I can see that it has potential.


Cart me around, Slave!

Us: 3; The Child: 3

In his latest bid for power, Samuel has equaled us in living room furniture.  After dominating one whole room of the house, he has begun to invade new territory.  Its a little disturbing. 

Not to mention the fact that despite drilling "daddy" into his head, he keeps referring to me as "slave". 

Coup d'etat: Quick Bloody Revolution

Slave!  I am your Pharaoh now!