Monday, April 30, 2007

My Office

"...I'll have to call you back - Its almost a quarter past orangeball, I have 5-10 more sun spins to do yet, and the meeting with this good looking guy in front of me is going nowhere."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Two Videos

Couple videos today - from our digital camera, not our video camera, so the quality is not great (but it makes for a quick upload to the blog).

The first Hannah took yesterday of samuel enjoying his toy bar.

The second is a kinda dark, but I took it more for the audio. Its of a game we've been playing with him, trying to get him to repeat sounds back (vowel sounds). If he's in a good mood, he'll usually try. He can get 'ooooou' most of the time, but we're working on 'aaaah', which is of course the precursor to 'ma'. No breakthroughs in 'aaah' yet.

Of course the likelihood that these are just random sounds is very high, but we like to think he's intelligent:)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Me and Mama

She's a good mommy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Globetrotting Baby Travels World, Poops on Few

(Hudsonville, MI) Samuel Machado, 10 week old son of Marcos and Hannah Machado of Swartz Creek, MI, traveled across the state this past weekend, visiting family and friends alike. Samuel himself described the trip as "ooooo" and cried on the way home at his having to leave.

The family stayed with Grandmother Irene Machado (pictured, right), who opened up her house and even took the night shift with the boy.

The two day, one night stay was marked by visitors.

Friend of the family Jonathan Karnes (pictured, right) arrived during the meet and greet, unfortunately his wife Thea was not available due to illness. Of the visit, Samuel remarked that he now wants a motorcycle, not a huge hog or anything, just maybe a Honda. While this was frowned upon by the mother, it is well know that at this point Samuel gets whatever he wants.

Great Uncle Larry and Aunt Martha (left) also met the child. Samuel expressed his great excitement to see them by being generally fussy and spent most of his time, in his words, "working it out."

Second Cousin to the father, Nicholas, also on hand to hold and generally entertain Samuel. Here (right) they were engaged in deep conversation, trying to elucidate exactly how they were related. While Nicholas maintained that they must be third cousins, Samuel thought there should be a "once removed" in there somewhere. While debate continues, further research confirms that that Nicholas is in fact a first cousin once removed to Marcos and a second cousin to Samuel. (Please feel free to debate this in comments)

Paul and Amy Bush (left) were also available in the evening for an impromptu poetry reading. Paul enchanted all present with his recitation of "Hickory Dickory Dock." Of the event Samuel remarked, "I've never heard such a stirring rendition of this beloved children's tale." Indeed.

After a wonderful nights sleep (according to Grandmother), Samuel awoke refreshed and happy and posed for some shots while his mother was getting ready for church(see pictured, right). Incidentally, Samuel gets ready for church by flying around outside (note clouds).

Dinner after church was had with Mark and Dolly Peterson (not pictured) and time in the afternoon was spent with Ryan and Karina White, Uncle and Aunt to Samuel (see pictured). In a bit of contagious diarrhea of the camera, Karina felt compelled to snap a bazillion pictures of Samuel (6 are displayed below, you may need to click on picture to see all).

The trip ended later that evening with a visit to Great-Great Aunt Hazel. The bridge of 98 years was easily crossed as the youngest member of the Bell Family met the oldest member. Overcome with emotion, Samuel marked the event by promptly filling his diaper.

The remainder of the trip was uneventful for the Machado family, and the night was rounded out by an impressive 6 hour stint between feedings.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pictures coming from my big trip

Hello all. My dad tells me that of the thousands of pictures he took this past weekend, he is narrowing down to a select few to post here. We took a big trip this weekend to the land of my ancestors (some of them), a far off land called Hudsonville. I met a lot of new people and saw many new places. It was a good trip. Dad says the pictures will come soon.
Anyhoo, I'm getting tired holding my head up here, so I'm gonna take a nap.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

He is risen! Alleluia!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Amazing Rare photo

In this bit of quick thinking and timeliness, the father, Marcos Machado, is able to photograph his son in a rare moment of discontent.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Found my fist

So, just when I thought this place was kinda boring, I found my fists.  I've seen them around sure, but in the last week, I've been able to get them to my mouth, which is just great.  Anyhoo, I can't figure out any other uses for the things, apart from occasionally batting things.

New Windows

A request was made for some 'after' shots of the new windows.  I mean they're just windows.  (Hopefully) the real difference will be seen in our Consumers Energy bills this year.  They are simple windows, clear in the middle, white on the edges.  Here is an inside view, in the bay window.  I'll post an outdoor picture in the future, when the temperature decides to come above freezing.  Its killing my forsythia.  Jerks.

If the forsythia survives, expect a picture.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Yummy grape tylenol

I got shot in the leg 3 times today, but you wouldn't even know it because I'm so tough.

New Windows

A workcrew was here this past saturday and installed new windows (haven't taken 'after' pictures yet, so you'll have to settle for 'during' pictures). No more ice flows in the winter.

More visitors

More visitors over the weekend. I'm really a hot commodity right now.